wen giving foundation

About Wen Giving

The Wen family has a history of generosity and philanthropy beginning in the 1960s with its matriarch, Puan Sri Wen. Today, under her mandate, Wen Giving continues this legacy guided by Mei Wen and her husband Chiu Chi Wen. The Wen Giving team is involved in many successful conservation, health, community and education projects in Australia and across the world.

The Wen Giving philanthropic approach is to support meaningful programs with impactful outcomes that make a difference. Mei and Chiu Chi are actively involved in all the causes Wen Giving supports and they build relationships with key decision-makers to ensure values align. The Wens take an on-the-ground approach, visiting projects in Australia, Malaysia, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Vietnam to assess the impact and sustainability of the projects.

Wen Giving encompasses the philanthropic pursuits of the Wen Family including the Australian based Wen Giving Foundation, the personal interests of Mei and Chiu Chi and the Wen Family’s operating businesses – Hawaiian and Selangor Properties.

L-R: Seng Fu Wen, Chiu Chi Wen, Mei Wen and Seng Pau Wen at the inauguration of the Bhutan Eye Hospital.

How does Wen Giving work?

Wen Giving supports projects that meet the Wen Family’s values. The current philanthropic approach is to support causes in the areas of conservation, health and community.


Project partners are required to demonstrate:

• Drive: The will to get things done

• Compassion: The genuine care towards the cause and project

• Intelligence: The skills and conduct necessary for future growth and sustainability


Wen Giving takes a very active, hands-on role in the initial establishment of its projects. We set clear, measurable goals with the aim for each project to become self-supporting after an agreed period of time.


Our reach

Western Australia