Eye cancer treatment for babies
Retinoblastoma is the most common and life-threatening eye cancer in young children from newborns to children 6 years of age. Retinoblastoma can affect one or both the eyes and each year, more than 8,000 new cases of retinoblastoma are diagnosed all around the world, of which a third (over 2,500) are diagnosed in India. If detected and treated appropriately, retinoblastoma can be cured, and vision saved.
Wen Giving has partnered with HV Desai Eye Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra to provide grants to treat babies suffering retinoblastoma. Treatment of retinoblastoma requires a multidisciplinary approach and through Wen Giving’s support, affected babies are provided the care of ocular, paediatric and radiation oncologists as well as onco-pathologist and genetic counselling to achieve optimum outcomes.
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